Head of Computational Design at Henning Larsen Architects

Over the past year, MeshLib has been an indispensable tool in my landscape architecture and architecture projects, transforming the way I approach design and analysis. This powerful library has enabled me to tackle complex tasks with ease and precision.

At its core, MeshLib excels in several critical areas of computational design and analysis:

  1. Geometry Processing: The library’s robust geometry processing capabilities have significantly improved my design workflows, allowing for sophisticated manipulations and optimizations of architectural forms.
  2. Interactive Booleans: MeshLib’s interactive boolean operations have been a game changer, enabling dynamic and complex modifications to my models that were previously challenging and time-consuming.
  3. Point Cloud Manipulation: Working with point clouds has never been easier. MeshLib’s efficient point cloud manipulation tools have allowed for seamless integration and analysis of site-specific data, enhancing the accuracy of my projects.
  4. Curve Offsetting: The curve offsetting features have broadened the possibilities for creating nuanced and detailed design elements, contributing to the overall aesthetic and functional quality of my projects.

Beyond these technical capabilities, MeshLib has empowered me to achieve more in my daily workflows. Its impact on my work extends to several crucial areas:

  1. Efficient Terrain Modeling: With MeshLib, creating accurate and detailed terrain models has become a streamlined process, facilitating better decision-making and design outcomes.
  2. Stormwater Flow Analysis: The library has been instrumental in analyzing stormwater flow, enabling me to design more sustainable and resilient landscapes.
  3. Visualizing Wind Flows in Urban Environments: MeshLib’s advanced analysis tools have allowed me to visualize wind flows, informing the design of spaces that are comfortable and safe for urban inhabitants.
  4. Sun Exposure and Shadow Studies: Conducting sun exposure and shadow studies has become more efficient, helping me to create spaces that are well-lit, energy-efficient, and harmonious with their surroundings.

What sets MeshLib apart, even more, is the exceptional team behind it. Their commitment to software excellence, user-centric approach, and rapid delivery of new features have not only enhanced the library’s capabilities but have also fostered a supportive community of users centered around their GitHub repo. The MeshLib team truly cares about advancing the field of computational design and making powerful tools accessible to professionals across industries.

Mariusz Hermansdorfer

Head of Computational Design at Henning Larsen Architechts