No Matches
MRMeshFwd.h File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <parallel_hashmap/phmap_fwd_decl.h>
#include <functional>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MR::NoInit
struct  MR::overloaded< Ts >


namespace  MR
namespace  MR::MeshBuilder
 Building topologies by triangles.


#define MRMESH_API   __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define MRMESH_CLASS   __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define MR_UNREACHABLE   { assert( false ); return {}; }
#define MR_UNREACHABLE_NO_RETURN   assert( false );


using MR::EdgeId = Id<EdgeTag>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeId = Id<UndirectedEdgeTag>
using MR::FaceId = Id<FaceTag>
using MR::VertId = Id<VertTag>
using MR::PixelId = Id<PixelTag>
using MR::VoxelId = Id<VoxelTag>
using MR::RegionId = Id<RegionTag>
using MR::ThreeVertIds = std::array<VertId, 3>
 three vertex ids describing a triangle topology
using MR::Triangulation = Vector<ThreeVertIds, FaceId>
 mapping from FaceId to a triple of vertex indices
using MR::EdgePath = std::vector<EdgeId>
using MR::EdgeLoop = std::vector<EdgeId>
using MR::FaceBitSet = TaggedBitSet<FaceTag>
using MR::VertBitSet = TaggedBitSet<VertTag>
using MR::EdgeBitSet = TaggedBitSet<EdgeTag>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeBitSet = TaggedBitSet<UndirectedEdgeTag>
using MR::PixelBitSet = TaggedBitSet<PixelTag>
using MR::VoxelBitSet = TaggedBitSet<VoxelTag>
using MR::SetBitIterator = SetBitIteratorT<BitSet>
using MR::FaceSetBitIterator = SetBitIteratorT<FaceBitSet>
using MR::VertSetBitIterator = SetBitIteratorT<VertBitSet>
using MR::EdgeSetBitIterator = SetBitIteratorT<EdgeBitSet>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeSetBitIterator = SetBitIteratorT<UndirectedEdgeBitSet>
using MR::Vector2b = Vector2<bool>
using MR::Vector2i = Vector2<int>
using MR::Vector2ll = Vector2<long long>
using MR::Vector2f = Vector2<float>
using MR::Vector2d = Vector2<double>
using MR::Vector3b = Vector3<bool>
using MR::Vector3i = Vector3<int>
using MR::Vector3ll = Vector3<long long>
using MR::Vector3f = Vector3<float>
using MR::Vector3d = Vector3<double>
using MR::Vector4b = Vector4<bool>
using MR::Vector4i = Vector4<int>
using MR::Vector4ll = Vector4<long long>
using MR::Vector4f = Vector4<float>
using MR::Vector4d = Vector4<double>
using MR::Matrix2b = Matrix2<bool>
using MR::Matrix2i = Matrix2<int>
using MR::Matrix2ll = Matrix2<long long>
using MR::Matrix2f = Matrix2<float>
using MR::Matrix2d = Matrix2<double>
using MR::Matrix3b = Matrix3<bool>
using MR::Matrix3i = Matrix3<int>
using MR::Matrix3ll = Matrix3<long long>
using MR::Matrix3f = Matrix3<float>
using MR::Matrix3d = Matrix3<double>
using MR::Matrix4b = Matrix4<bool>
using MR::Matrix4i = Matrix4<int>
using MR::Matrix4ll = Matrix4<long long>
using MR::Matrix4f = Matrix4<float>
using MR::Matrix4d = Matrix4<double>
using MR::SymMatrix2b = SymMatrix2<bool>
using MR::SymMatrix2i = SymMatrix2<int>
using MR::SymMatrix2ll = SymMatrix2<long long>
using MR::SymMatrix2f = SymMatrix2<float>
using MR::SymMatrix2d = SymMatrix2<double>
using MR::SymMatrix3b = SymMatrix3<bool>
using MR::SymMatrix3i = SymMatrix3<int>
using MR::SymMatrix3ll = SymMatrix3<long long>
using MR::SymMatrix3f = SymMatrix3<float>
using MR::SymMatrix3d = SymMatrix3<double>
using MR::SymMatrix4b = SymMatrix4<bool>
using MR::SymMatrix4i = SymMatrix4<int>
using MR::SymMatrix4ll = SymMatrix4<long long>
using MR::SymMatrix4f = SymMatrix4<float>
using MR::SymMatrix4d = SymMatrix4<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::AffineXf2 = AffineXf<Vector2<T>>
using MR::AffineXf2f = AffineXf2<float>
using MR::AffineXf2d = AffineXf2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::AffineXf3 = AffineXf<Vector3<T>>
using MR::AffineXf3f = AffineXf3<float>
using MR::AffineXf3d = AffineXf3<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Sphere2 = Sphere<Vector2<T>>
using MR::Sphere2f = Sphere2<float>
using MR::Sphere2d = Sphere2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Sphere3 = Sphere<Vector3<T>>
using MR::Sphere3f = Sphere3<float>
using MR::Sphere3d = Sphere3<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Line2 = Line<Vector2<T>>
using MR::Line2f = Line2<float>
using MR::Line2d = Line2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Line3 = Line<Vector3<T>>
using MR::Line3f = Line3<float>
using MR::Line3d = Line3<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::LineSegm2 = LineSegm<Vector2<T>>
using MR::LineSegm2f = LineSegm2<float>
using MR::LineSegm2d = LineSegm2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::LineSegm3 = LineSegm<Vector3<T>>
using MR::LineSegm3f = LineSegm3<float>
using MR::LineSegm3d = LineSegm3<double>
using MR::Cylinder3f = Cylinder3<float>
using MR::Cylinder3d = Cylinder3<double>
using MR::Cone3f = Cone3<float>
using MR::Cone3d = Cone3<double>
template<typename V >
using MR::Contour = std::vector<V>
template<typename T >
using MR::Contour2 = Contour<Vector2<T>>
template<typename T >
using MR::Contour3 = Contour<Vector3<T>>
using MR::Contour2d = Contour2<double>
using MR::Contour2f = Contour2<float>
using MR::Contour3d = Contour3<double>
using MR::Contour3f = Contour3<float>
template<typename V >
using MR::Contours = std::vector<Contour<V>>
template<typename T >
using MR::Contours2 = Contours<Vector2<T>>
template<typename T >
using MR::Contours3 = Contours<Vector3<T>>
using MR::Contours2d = Contours2<double>
using MR::Contours2f = Contours2<float>
using MR::Contours3d = Contours3<double>
using MR::Contours3f = Contours3<float>
using MR::Plane3f = Plane3<float>
using MR::Plane3d = Plane3<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Box2 = Box<Vector2<T>>
using MR::Box2i = Box2<int>
using MR::Box2ll = Box2<long long>
using MR::Box2f = Box2<float>
using MR::Box2d = Box2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Box3 = Box<Vector3<T>>
using MR::Box3i = Box3<int>
using MR::Box3ll = Box3<long long>
using MR::Box3f = Box3<float>
using MR::Box3d = Box3<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::QuadraticForm2 = QuadraticForm<Vector2<T>>
using MR::QuadraticForm2f = QuadraticForm2<float>
using MR::QuadraticForm2d = QuadraticForm2<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::QuadraticForm3 = QuadraticForm<Vector3<T>>
using MR::QuadraticForm3f = QuadraticForm3<float>
using MR::QuadraticForm3d = QuadraticForm3<double>
using MR::Quaternionf = Quaternion<float>
using MR::Quaterniond = Quaternion<double>
template<typename T >
using MR::Triangle3 = std::array<Vector3<T>, 3>
using MR::Triangle3i = Triangle3<int>
using MR::Triangle3f = Triangle3<float>
using MR::Triangle3d = Triangle3<double>
using MR::SegmPointf = SegmPoint<float>
using MR::SegmPointd = SegmPoint<double>
using MR::MeshEdgePoint = EdgePoint
using MR::SurfacePath = std::vector<MeshEdgePoint>
using MR::SurfacePaths = std::vector<SurfacePath>
using MR::IsoLine = SurfacePath
using MR::IsoLines = SurfacePaths
using MR::PlaneSection = SurfacePath
using MR::PlaneSections = SurfacePaths
using MR::TriPointf = TriPoint<float>
using MR::TriPointd = TriPoint<double>
using MR::UVCoord = Vector2f
using MR::FaceMap = Vector<FaceId, FaceId>
using MR::VertMap = Vector<VertId, VertId>
using MR::EdgeMap = Vector<EdgeId, EdgeId>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeMap = Vector<UndirectedEdgeId, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::WholeEdgeMap = Vector<EdgeId, UndirectedEdgeId>
 mapping of whole edges: map[e]->f, map[e.sym()]->f.sym(), where only map[e] for even edges is stored
using MR::UndirectedEdge2RegionMap = Vector<RegionId, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::Face2RegionMap = Vector<RegionId, FaceId>
using MR::Vert2RegionMap = Vector<RegionId, VertId>
using MR::VertCoords = Vector<Vector3f, VertId>
using MR::VertNormals = Vector<Vector3f, VertId>
using MR::VertUVCoords = Vector<UVCoord, VertId>
using MR::FaceNormals = Vector<Vector3f, FaceId>
using MR::VertColors = Vector<Color, VertId>
using MR::FaceColors = Vector<Color, FaceId>
using MR::EdgeColors = Vector<Color, EdgeId>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeColors = Vector<Color, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::VertScalars = Vector<float, VertId>
using MR::FaceScalars = Vector<float, FaceId>
using MR::EdgeScalars = Vector<float, EdgeId>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeScalars = Vector<float, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::VertPredicate = std::function<bool( VertId )>
using MR::FacePredicate = std::function<bool( FaceId )>
using MR::EdgePredicate = std::function<bool( EdgeId )>
using MR::UndirectedEdgePredicate = std::function<bool( UndirectedEdgeId )>
using MR::VertMetric = std::function<float( VertId )>
using MR::FaceMetric = std::function<float( FaceId )>
using MR::EdgeMetric = std::function<float( EdgeId )>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeMetric = std::function<float( UndirectedEdgeId )>
using MR::FaceBMap = BMap<FaceId, FaceId>
using MR::VertBMap = BMap<VertId, VertId>
using MR::EdgeBMap = BMap<EdgeId, EdgeId>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeBMap = BMap<UndirectedEdgeId, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::WholeEdgeBMap = BMap<EdgeId, UndirectedEdgeId>
template<typename T , typename Hash = phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<T>, typename Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<T>>
using MR::HashSet = phmap::flat_hash_set<T, Hash, Eq>
template<typename T , typename Hash = phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<T>, typename Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<T>>
using MR::ParallelHashSet = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_set<T, Hash, Eq>
using MR::FaceHashSet = HashSet<FaceId>
using MR::VertHashSet = HashSet<VertId>
using MR::EdgeHashSet = HashSet<EdgeId>
template<typename K , typename V , typename Hash = phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<K>, typename Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<K>>
using MR::HashMap = phmap::flat_hash_map<K, V, Hash, Eq>
template<typename K , typename V , typename Hash = phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<K>, typename Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<K>>
using MR::ParallelHashMap = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map<K, V, Hash, Eq>
using MR::FaceHashMap = HashMap<FaceId, FaceId>
using MR::VertHashMap = HashMap<VertId, VertId>
using MR::EdgeHashMap = HashMap<EdgeId, EdgeId>
using MR::UndirectedEdgeHashMap = HashMap<UndirectedEdgeId, UndirectedEdgeId>
using MR::WholeEdgeHashMap = HashMap<UndirectedEdgeId, EdgeId>
 mapping of whole edges: map[e]->f, map[e.sym()]->f.sym(), where only map[e] for even edges is stored
using MR::Polyline2 = Polyline<Vector2f>
using MR::Polyline3 = Polyline<Vector3f>
using MR::AABBTreePolyline2 = AABBTreePolyline<Vector2f>
using MR::AABBTreePolyline3 = AABBTreePolyline<Vector3f>
using MR::PolylineProjectionResult2 = PolylineProjectionResult<Vector2f>
using MR::PolylineProjectionResult3 = PolylineProjectionResult<Vector3f>
using MR::Polyline2ProjectionWithOffsetResult = PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult<Vector2f>
using MR::PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult3 = PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult<Vector3f>
using MR::GcodeSource = std::vector<std::string>
using MR::SimpleVolume = VoxelsVolume<std::vector<float>>
using MR::SimpleVolumeU16 = VoxelsVolume<std::vector<uint16_t>>
template<typename T >
using MR::VoxelValueGetter = std::function<T ( const Vector3i& )>
using MR::FunctionVolume = VoxelsVolume<VoxelValueGetter<float>>
using MR::FunctionVolumeU8 = VoxelsVolume<VoxelValueGetter<uint8_t>>
using MR::FloatGrid = std::shared_ptr<OpenVdbFloatGrid>
using MR::VdbVolume = VoxelsVolume<FloatGrid>
using MR::VertColorMapAggregator = ColorMapAggregator<VertTag>
using MR::UndirEdgeColorMapAggregator = ColorMapAggregator<UndirectedEdgeTag>
using MR::FaceColorMapAggregator = ColorMapAggregator<FaceTag>
using MR::GraphVertId = Id<GraphVertTag>
using MR::GraphEdgeId = Id<GraphEdgeTag>
using MR::GraphVertBitSet = TaggedBitSet<GraphVertTag>
using MR::GraphEdgeBitSet = TaggedBitSet<GraphEdgeTag>
typedef std::function< bool(float)> MR::ProgressCallback


enum class  MR::FilterType : char { MR::Linear , MR::Discrete }
enum class  MR::WrapType : char { MR::Repeat , MR::Mirror , MR::Clamp }
enum class  MR::Reorder : char { MR::None , MR::Lexicographically , MR::AABBTree }
 determines how points to be ordered More...


template<typename T >
bool MR::contains (const std::function< bool(Id< T >)> &pred, Id< T > id)
template<typename T >
constexpr T MR::sqr (T x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr int MR::sgn (T x) noexcept
template<class... Ts>
 MR::overloaded (Ts...) -> overloaded< Ts... >


constexpr NoInit MR::noInit
template<typename T >
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::NoDefInit
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::EdgeTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::UndirectedEdgeTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::FaceTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::VertTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::PixelTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::VoxelTag
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::RegionTag
template<typename T >
template<typename T , typename I >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::Vector
template<typename T , typename I = size_t>
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::Buffer
template<typename T >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::TaggedBitSet
template<typename T >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::SetBitIteratorT
template<typename T >
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::Vector2
template<typename T >
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::Vector3
template<typename T , typename I >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::MeshTopology
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::Mesh
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::MeshPart
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::MeshOrPoints
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::PointCloud
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::CloudPartMapping
struct MRMESH_CLASS MR::PartMapping
template<typename V >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::AABBTreePolyline
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::ChangeSceneAction
template<typename Tag >
class MRMESH_CLASS MR::ColorMapAggregator
template<typename... >
constexpr bool MR::dependent_false = false

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MR_UNREACHABLE   { assert( false ); return {}; }


#define MR_UNREACHABLE_NO_RETURN   assert( false );


#define MRMESH_API   __attribute__((visibility("default")))


#define MRMESH_CLASS   __attribute__((visibility("default")))