No Matches

This page contains some examples of using MeshLib

Basing your application on MeshLib

First of all you should make main function like this

#include "MRMesh/MRLog.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv )
// Init the viewer
MR::Viewer::LaunchParams launchParams{ .argc = argc, .argv = argv }; = "Your app name";
MR::ViewerSetup viewerSetup;
viewerSetup.setupCommonModifiers( MR::Viewer::instance() );
viewerSetup.setupCommonPlugins( MR::Viewer::instance() );
viewerSetup.setupSettingsManager( MR::Viewer::instance(), );
viewerSetup.setupConfiguration( MR::Viewer::instance() );
return MR::launchDefaultViewer( launchParams, viewerSetup );
Definition MRSetupViewer.h:10
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setupBasePlugins(Viewer *) const
static MRVIEWER_API void parseLaunchParams(LaunchParams &params)
static Viewer * instance()
Definition MRViewer.h:102
MRMESH_API void setupLoggerByDefault()
MRVIEWER_API int launchDefaultViewer(const Viewer::LaunchParams &params, const ViewerSetup &setup)
Definition MRViewer.h:47
int argc
Definition MRViewer.h:67

Then you should make your plugins, to find how have a look at State Plugins overview page

C++ Basic Examples

You can find example project in MeshLib/source/meshconv

Following code presents example of loading and saving mesh file

#include <iostream>
int main()
std::filesystem::path inFilePath = "mesh.stl";
auto loadRes = MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( inFilePath );
if ( loadRes.has_value() )
std::filesystem::path outFilePath = "mesh.ply";
auto saveRes = MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( loadRes.value(), outFilePath );
if ( !saveRes.has_value() )
std::cerr << saveRes.error() << "\n";
std::cerr << loadRes.error() << "\n";
return 0;
MRMESH_API Expected< Mesh, std::string > fromAnySupportedFormat(const std::filesystem::path &file, const MeshLoadSettings &settings={})
detects the format from file extension and loads mesh from it
MRMESH_API VoidOrErrStr toAnySupportedFormat(const Mesh &mesh, const std::filesystem::path &file, const SaveSettings &settings={})
detects the format from file extension and save mesh to it

Further examples won't check return values for sake of clarity

See also

Some examples of mesh modification are presented here

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
int main()
// Load mesh
MR::Mesh mesh = MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( "mesh.stl" ).value();
// Relax mesh (5 iterations)
MR::relax( mesh, {{5}} );
// Subdivide mesh
props.maxDeviationAfterFlip = 0.5f;
MR::subdivideMesh( mesh, props );
// Rotate mesh
mesh.transform( rotationXf );
return 0;
MRMESH_API bool relax(Mesh &mesh, const MeshRelaxParams &params={}, ProgressCallback cb={})
MRMESH_API int subdivideMesh(Mesh &mesh, const SubdivideSettings &settings={})
Definition MRAffineXf.h:10
static constexpr AffineXf linear(const M &A) noexcept
creates linear-only transformation (without translation)
Definition MRAffineXf.h:24
static constexpr Matrix3 rotation(const Vector3< float > &axis, float angle) noexcept
creates matrix representing rotation around given axis on given angle
Definition MRMesh.h:23
MRMESH_API void transform(const AffineXf3f &xf, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
Definition MRMeshSubdivide.h:17
float maxDeviationAfterFlip
Improves local mesh triangulation by doing edge flips if it does not make too big surface deviation.
Definition MRMeshSubdivide.h:23
static constexpr Vector3 plusZ() noexcept
Definition MRVector3.h:31

Export example of points and triangles from mesh (e.g. for rendering)

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
#include "MRMesh/MRCube.h"
int main()
// create some mesh
// all vertices of valid triangles
const std::vector<std::array<MR::VertId, 3>> triangles = mesh.topology.getAllTriVerts();
// all point coordinates
const std::vector<MR::Vector3f> & points = mesh.points.vec_;
// triangle vertices as tripples of ints (pointing to elements in points vector)
const int * vertexTripples = reinterpret_cast<const int*>( );
return 0;
MRMESH_API std::vector< ThreeVertIds > getAllTriVerts() const
returns three vertex ids for valid triangles, invalid triangles are skipped
std::vector< T > vec_
the user can directly manipulate the vector, anyway she cannot break anything
Definition MRVector.h:135
MRMESH_API Mesh makeCube(const Vector3f &size=Vector3f::diagonal(1.0f), const Vector3f &base=Vector3f::diagonal(-0.5f))
MeshTopology topology
Definition MRMesh.h:24
VertCoords points
Definition MRMesh.h:25

Example of mesh decimate

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
int main()
// Load mesh
// Setup decimate parameters
settings.maxError = 0.05f;
// Decimate mesh
MR::decimateMesh( mesh, settings );
// Save result
MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( mesh, "decimatedMesh.stl" );
MRMESH_API DecimateResult decimateMesh(Mesh &mesh, const DecimateSettings &settings={})
Collapse edges in mesh region according to the settings.
Parameters structure for MR::decimateMesh.
Definition MRMeshDecimate.h:32
float maxError
Definition MRMeshDecimate.h:38

Example of Boolean operation

#include <iostream>
#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
int main()
// create first sphere with radius of 1 unit
MR::Mesh sphere1 = MR::makeUVSphere( 1.0f, 64, 64 );
// create second sphere by cloning the first sphere and moving it in X direction
MR::Mesh sphere2 = sphere1;
sphere2.transform( xf );
// perform boolean operation
MR::Mesh resultMesh = *result;
if ( !result.valid() )
std::cerr << result.errorString << "\n";
// save result to STL file
MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( resultMesh, "out_boolean.stl" );
return 0;
MRMESH_API BooleanResult boolean(const Mesh &meshA, const Mesh &meshB, BooleanOperation operation, const AffineXf3f *rigidB2A, BooleanResultMapper *mapper=nullptr, ProgressCallback cb={})
Performs CSG operation on two meshes.
MRMESH_API Mesh makeUVSphere(float radius=1.0, int horisontalResolution=16, int verticalResolution=16)
creates a mesh of sphere with regular triangulation (parallels and meridians)
static constexpr AffineXf translation(const V &b) noexcept
creates translation-only transformation (with identity linear component)
Definition MRAffineXf.h:22
Structure contain boolean result.
Definition MRMeshBoolean.h:27

Example of mesh offset

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
#include "MRMesh/MRBox.h"
int main()
// Load mesh
// Setup parameters
params.voxelSize = mesh.computeBoundingBox().diagonal() * 5e-3f; // offset grid precision (algorithm is voxel based)
if ( !MR::findRightBoundary( mesh.topology ).empty() )
params.signDetectionMode = MR::SignDetectionMode::HoleWindingRule; // use if you have holes in mesh
// Make offset mesh
float offset = mesh.computeBoundingBox().diagonal() * 0.05f;
auto meshRes = MR::generalOffsetMesh( mesh, offset, params );
if ( !meshRes.has_value() )
// log meshRes.error()
return 1;
// Save result
MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( *meshRes, "mesh_offset.stl" );
return 0;
@ HoleWindingRule
computes winding number generalization with support of holes in mesh, slower than WindingRule
MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeLoop > findRightBoundary(const MeshTopology &topology, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr)
MRMESH_API Expected< Mesh > generalOffsetMesh(const MeshPart &mp, float offset, const GeneralOffsetParameters &params)
Offsets mesh by converting it to voxels and back using one of three modes specified in the parameters...
float voxelSize
Definition MROffset.h:17
allows the user to select in the parameters which offset algorithm to call
Definition MROffset.h:87
MRMESH_API Box3f computeBoundingBox(const AffineXf3f *toWorld=nullptr) const
SignDetectionMode signDetectionMode
determines the method to compute distance sign
Definition MROffset.h:29

Example of mesh ICP (finding transformation to match objects)

#include <iostream>
#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
#include "MRMesh/MRICP.h"
#include "MRMesh/MRBox.h"
int main()
// Load meshes
MR::Mesh meshFloating = *MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( "meshA.stl" );
MR::Mesh meshFixed = *MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( "meshB.stl" );
// Prepare ICP parameters
float diagonal = meshFixed.getBoundingBox().diagonal();
float icpSamplingVoxelSize = diagonal * 0.01f; // To sample points from object
MR::ICPProperties icpParams;
icpParams.distThresholdSq = MR::sqr( diagonal * 0.1f ); // Use points pairs with maximum distance specified
icpParams.exitVal = diagonal * 0.003f; // Stop when distance reached
// Calculate transformation
MR::ICP icp(
MR::MeshOrPoints{ MR::MeshPart{ meshFloating } },
MR::MeshOrPoints{ MR::MeshPart{ meshFixed } },
icpSamplingVoxelSize );
icp.setParams( icpParams );
MR::AffineXf3f xf = icp.calculateTransformation();
// Transform floating mesh
meshFloating.transform( xf );
// Output information string
std::string info = icp.getLastICPInfo();
std::cerr << info << "\n";
// Save result
MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( meshFloating, "meshA_icp.stl" );
Definition MRICP.h:172
void setParams(const ICPProperties &prop)
tune algorithm params before run calculateTransformation()
Definition MRICP.h:196
Definition MRMeshOrPoints.h:17
constexpr T sqr(T x) noexcept
Definition MRMeshFwd.h:519
AffineXf3< float > AffineXf3f
Definition MRMeshFwd.h:178
Definition MRICP.h:115
float distThresholdSq
Points pair will be counted only if squared distance between points is lower than.
Definition MRICP.h:129
Definition MRMeshPart.h:11

Example of filling holes

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
int main()
// Load mesh
// Find single edge for each hole in mesh
std::vector<MR::EdgeId> holeEdges = mesh.topology.findHoleRepresentiveEdges();
for ( MR::EdgeId e : holeEdges )
// Setup filling parameters
params.metric = MR::getUniversalMetric( mesh );
// Fill hole represented by `e`
MR::fillHole( mesh, e, params );
// Save result
auto saveRes = MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( mesh, "filledMesh.stl" );
Definition MRId.h:52
MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeId > findHoleRepresentiveEdges() const
returns one edge with no valid left face for every boundary in the mesh
MRMESH_API FillHoleMetric getUniversalMetric(const Mesh &mesh)
MRMESH_API void fillHole(Mesh &mesh, EdgeId a, const FillHoleParams &params={})
Fills hole in mesh .
Parameters structure for MR::fillHole Structure has some options to control MR::fillHole.
Definition MRMeshFillHole.h:25
FillHoleMetric metric
Definition MRMeshFillHole.h:30

Example of stitching holes (connect two holes with a cylinder)

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
int main()
// Load meshes
auto meshARes = MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( "meshAwithHole.stl" );
auto meshBRes = MR::MeshLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( "meshBwithHole.stl" );
// Unite meshes
MR::Mesh mesh = std::move( meshARes.value() );
mesh.addPart( meshBRes.value() );
// Find holes (expect that there are exactly 2 holes)
std::vector<MR::EdgeId> edges = mesh.topology.findHoleRepresentiveEdges();
if ( edges.size() != 2 )
return 1;
// Connect two holes
params.metric = MR::getUniversalMetric( mesh );
MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles( mesh, edges.front(), edges.back(), params );
// Save result
auto saveRes = MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( mesh, "stitchedMesh.stl" );
return 0;
MRMESH_API void buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles(Mesh &mesh, EdgeId a, EdgeId b, const StitchHolesParams &params={})
Stitches two holes in Mesh .
MRMESH_API void addPart(const Mesh &from, FaceMap *outFmap=nullptr, VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, WholeEdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr, bool rearrangeTriangles=false)
appends mesh (from) in addition to this mesh: creates new edges, faces, verts and points
Parameters structure for MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles Structure has some options to control MR::b...
Definition MRMeshFillHole.h:74
FillHoleMetric metric
Definition MRMeshFillHole.h:79

Example of extrude faces on mesh

#include "MRMesh/MRMesh.h"
#include "MRMesh/MRId.h"
int main()
// Load mesh
// Select faces to extrude
MR::FaceBitSet facesToExtrude;
facesToExtrude.autoResizeSet( MR::FaceId( 1 ) );
facesToExtrude.autoResizeSet( MR::FaceId( 2 ) );
// Create duplicated verts on region boundary
MR::makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion( mesh, facesToExtrude );
// Find vertices that will be moved
auto vertsForMove = MR::getIncidentVerts( mesh.topology, facesToExtrude );
MR::BitSetParallelFor( vertsForMove, [&] ( MR::VertId v )
// Move each vertex
} );
// Invalidate internal caches after manual changing
// Save mesh
MR::MeshSave::toAnySupportedFormat( mesh, "extrudedMesh.stl" );
void autoResizeSet(IndexType pos, size_type len, bool val=true)
Definition MRBitSet.h:129
auto BitSetParallelFor(const BS &bs, F f, Cb &&... cb)
Definition MRBitSetParallelFor.h:202
MRMESH_API void makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion(Mesh &mesh, const FaceBitSet &region, const MakeDegenerateBandAroundRegionParams &params={})
Create a band of degenerate faces along the border of the specified region and the rest of the mesh.
MRMESH_API VertBitSet getIncidentVerts(const MeshTopology &topology, const FaceBitSet &faces)
MRMESH_API void invalidateCaches(bool pointsChanged=true)

Python Basic Examples

In this section we provide the same examples but with python code
Load and save example:

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
except ValueError as e:
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(mesh, "mesh.ply")

Using numpy to create mesh and get back its primitives

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
import meshlib.mrmeshnumpy as mrmeshnumpy
import numpy as np
faces = np.ndarray(shape=(2, 3), dtype=np.int32, buffer=np.array([[0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 0]], dtype=np.int32))
# mrmesh uses float32 for vertex coordinates
# however, you could also use float64
verts = np.ndarray(shape=(4, 3), dtype=np.float32, buffer=np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], dtype=np.float32))
mesh = mrmeshnumpy.meshFromFacesVerts(faces, verts)
# some mesh manipulations
out_verts = mrmeshnumpy.getNumpyVerts(mesh)
out_faces = mrmeshnumpy.getNumpyFaces(mesh.topology)

Mesh modification examples

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
relax_params = mrmeshpy.MeshRelaxParams()
relax_params.iterations = 5
mrmeshpy.relax(mesh, relax_params)
props = mrmeshpy.SubdivideSettings()
props.maxDeviationAfterFlip = 0.5
plus_z = mrmeshpy.Vector3f()
plus_z.z = 1.0
rotation_xf = mrmeshpy.AffineXf3f.linear(mrmeshpy.Matrix3f.rotation(plus_z, 3.1415 * 0.5))

Simple triangulation

from meshlib import mrmeshpy as mm
from meshlib import mrmeshnumpy as mn
import numpy as np
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2 * np.pi:100j, 0:np.pi:100j]
x = np.cos(u) * np.sin(v)
y = np.sin(u) * np.sin(v)
z = np.cos(v)
# Prepare for MeshLib PointCloud
verts = np.stack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()), axis=-1).reshape(-1, 3)
# Create MeshLib PointCloud from np ndarray
pc = mn.pointCloudFromPoints(verts)
# Remove duplicate points
pc.validPoints = mm.pointUniformSampling(pc, 1e-3)
# Triangulate it
triangulated_pc = mm.triangulatePointCloud(pc)
# Fix possible issues
triangulated_pc = mm.offsetMesh(triangulated_pc, 0.0)

Triangulation of regular numpy grid

from meshlib import mrmeshpy as mm
from meshlib import mrmeshnumpy as mn
import numpy as np
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2 * np.pi:50j, 0:np.pi:100j]
x = np.cos(u) * np.sin(v)
y = np.sin(u) * np.sin(v)
z = np.cos(v)
mesh = mn.meshFromUVPoints(x,y,z)

Using plotly to visualize mesh

from meshlib import mrmeshpy as mm
from meshlib import mrmeshnumpy as mn
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# load mesh
mesh = mm.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
# extract numpy arrays
verts = mn.getNumpyVerts(mesh)
faces = mn.getNumpyFaces(mesh.topology)
# prepare data for plotly
verts_t = np.transpose(verts)
faces_t = np.transpose(faces)
# draw
fig = go.Figure(data=[
Plotly visualization

Example of mesh decimate

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load mesh
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
# Setup decimate parameters
settings = mrmeshpy.DecimateSettings()
settings.maxError = 0.05
# Decimate mesh
mrmeshpy.decimateMesh(mesh, settings)
# Save result
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(mesh, "decimatedMesh.stl")

Example of Boolean operation

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# create first sphere with radius of 1 unit
sphere1 = mrmeshpy.makeUVSphere(1.0, 64, 64)
# create second sphere by cloning the first sphere and moving it in X direction
sphere2 = mrmeshpy.copyMesh(sphere1)
xf = mrmeshpy.AffineXf3f.translation(mrmeshpy.Vector3f(0.7, 0.0, 0.0))
# perform boolean operation
result = mrmeshpy.boolean(sphere1, sphere2, mrmeshpy.BooleanOperation.Intersection)
result_mesh = result.mesh
if not result.valid():
# save result to STL file
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(result_mesh, "out_boolean.stl")

Example of mesh offset

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load mesh
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
# Setup parameters
params = mrmeshpy.OffsetParameters()
params.voxelSize = mesh.computeBoundingBox().diagonal() * 5e-3 # offset grid precision (algorithm is voxel based)
if mrmeshpy.findRightBoundary(mesh.topology).empty():
params.signDetectionMode = mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.HoleWindingRule # use if you have holes in mesh
# Make offset mesh
offset = mesh.computeBoundingBox().diagonal() * 0.05
result_mesh = mrmeshpy.offsetMesh(mesh, offset, params)
# Save result
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(result_mesh, "offsetMesh.stl")

Example of mesh ICP

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load meshes
meshFloating = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("meshA.stl")
meshFixed = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("meshB.stl")
# Prepare ICP parameters
diagonal = meshFixed.getBoundingBox().diagonal()
icp_sampling_voxel_size = diagonal * 0.01 # To sample points from object
icp_params = mrmeshpy.ICPProperties()
icp_params.distThresholdSq = (diagonal * 0.1) ** 2 # Use points pairs with maximum distance specified
icp_params.exitVal = diagonal * 0.003 # Stop when this distance reached
# Calculate transformation
icp = mrmeshpy.ICP(meshFloating, meshFixed,
mrmeshpy.AffineXf3f(), mrmeshpy.AffineXf3f(),
xf = icp.calculateTransformation()
# Transform floating mesh
# Output information string
# Save result
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(meshFloating, "meshA_icp.stl")
std::optional< T > distance(const Plane3< T > &plane1, const Plane3< T > &plane2, T errorLimit=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon() *T(20))
Definition MRIntersection.h:104

Example of filling holes

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load mesh
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
# Find single edge for each hole in mesh
for e in hole_edges:
# Setup filling parameters
params = mrmeshpy.FillHoleParams()
params.metric = mrmeshpy.getUniversalMetric(mesh)
# Fill hole represented by `e`
mrmeshpy.fillHole(mesh, e, params)
# Save result
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(mesh, "filledMesh.stl")

Example of stitch holes

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load meshes
mesh_a = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("meshAwithHole.stl")
mesh_b = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("meshBwithHole.stl")
# Unite meshes
mesh = mrmeshpy.mergeMeshes([mesh_a, mesh_b])
# Find holes
# Connect two holes
params = mrmeshpy.StitchHolesParams()
params.metric = mrmeshpy.getUniversalMetric(mesh)
mrmeshpy.buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles(mesh, edges[0], edges[1], params)
# Save result
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(mesh, "stitchedMesh.stl")

Example of extrude faces on mesh

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
# Load mesh
mesh = mrmeshpy.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
# Prepare region to extrude
faces_to_extrude = mrmeshpy.FaceBitSet()
faces_to_extrude.resize(3, False)
faces_to_extrude.set(mrmeshpy.FaceId(1), True)
faces_to_extrude.set(mrmeshpy.FaceId(2), True)
# Create duplicated verts on region boundary
mrmeshpy.makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion(mesh, faces_to_extrude)
# Find vertices that will be moved
verts_for_move = mrmeshpy.getIncidentVerts(mesh.topology, faces_to_extrude)
# Move each vertex
for v in range(verts_for_move.size()):
if verts_for_move.test(mrmeshpy.VertId(v)):
mesh.points.vec[v] += mrmeshpy.Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Invalidate internal caches after manual changing
# Save mesh
mrmeshpy.saveMesh(mesh, "extrudedMesh.stl")
Vector3< float > Vector3f
Definition MRMeshFwd.h:120
Id< VertTag > VertId
Definition MRMeshFwd.h:69
See also
Python overview